Words by Mark L Berry & Music by Simon Ashby
Performed by Simon Ashby
Cardinal Puff – lyrics
What can we do
With a full can of beer
A bunch of our friends
And some time on our hands?
I’ll tell you my story
About the Great Cardinal Puff
Do my finger tapping
And other sacred stuff
(Verse 1)
So here’s to the Cardinal Puff
For the first time tonight
Watch the choreography
And be sure to get it right
To pass or fail the challenge
We each drink a full beer
Becoming a Cardinal looks easy
But it’s harder than it appears
Are you a Cardinal?
Any time that question’s asked
“You bet your sweet ass I am”
You’d better answer fast
(verse 2)
So here’s to the Cardinal Puff
For the second time tonight
My finger tapping looks the same
It’s close, but not quite
To pass or fail the challenge
Put the can to your lips
Everything matters
Even how many sips

Are you a Cardinal?
Any time that question’s asked
“You bet your sweet ass I am”
You’d better answer fast
(verse 3)
So here’s to the Cardinal Puff
For the third time tonight
Have you paid attention
Think you can get it right?
Once a Cardinal, always a Cardinal
The table is dry
Now you’ve seen me do it
I dare you to try
Lyrics Copyright©2011 by Mark L. Berry
13,760 Feet–My Personal Hole in the Sky