– Performed by Shannon DeCourcey
– Words by Mark L Berry & Music by Shannon DeCourcey
The Ant and the Boy and the Sun – Lyrics

(verse 1)
Out from his mound
An ant makes a sound
That resembles a prayer to the sun
He’ll forage all day
And when the sun goes away
What will his efforts have won?
A baby is born
One early morn
And his mother says, “Welcome young lad.
We have school planned for you.
And a job lined up too.
And one day you’ll be just like your dad.”
The sun comes up
The sun goes down
And science says
The world goes ‘round
As the days go by
Do you wonder why
Why we were born
And why we will die
(verse 2)
The ant roams an acre
He’s a real mover-shaker
And toils his time in the sun
Ever since birth
The boy roams the earth
With not just a walk but a run
The ant and the boy
Know the same joy
Of the sun rising and setting again
But their days will count down
Whether or not they look ‘round
And everything comes to an end
The sun comes up
The sun goes down
And science says
The world goes ‘round
As the days go by
Do you wonder why
Why we were born
And why we will die
(extended chorus)
To live forever
Wouldn’t that be great
We know we can’t
So we procreate
Then another one
Looks up to the sun
And her life begins
With ours almost done
If she lives a full life
Or dies the next day
Still the sun rises
And sets the same way
And the ant makes his rounds
And he treads the same grounds
His tiny world
Is like ours in that way
Do we really care?
Do we really know?
If life is more
Than a magic show
Do we really know?
Do we really care?
What’s beyond our own world
If there’s more out there?
The sun comes up
The sun goes down
And science says
The world goes ‘round
As the days go by
Do you wonder why
Why we were born
And why we will die
(final extended chorus)
Like the ant from the mound
Now snug in our hole
Our bodies retired
Under some grassy knoll
The sun will still rise
The sun will still set
Our lives will be over
With or without regret