Words by Mark L Berry, Music by Max Vanremmerden
Performed by Max Vanremmerden
Keep the Giant Emergency Life Raft Inflated – lyrics

(opening verse)
I heard the overhead announcement
In my head
Prepare for a ditching out at sea
In my head
I thought that I could save her
In my head
She would always be with me
Now In my head
The flight attendants yelled
In my head
“Open seatbelts, come this way”
In my head
I couldn’t leave without her
’cause In my head
The last I saw her was that day
I see a giant yellow life raft
In the crisis of my dreams
No matter how hard that I pump it
The more pointless that it seems
(verse 2)
In my head
The giant yellow raft was leaking
In my head
Water was spilling over the side
Oh In my head
The captain handed me a hand pump
In my head
I couldn’t accept that she had died
(spoken through a megaphone) Keep the giant emergency life raft inflated
Keep the giant emergency life raft inflated
In therapy
The hand pump was my breathing
In reality
It did more than keep me alive
In therapy
My breathing was my reminder
In reality
She would have wanted me to survive
(spoken through a megaphone) Keep the giant emergency life raft inflated
Keep the giant emergency life raft inflated
Keep the giant emergency life raft inflated
(verse 3)
In the sea
There was no water landing
In the paper
The plane exploded in the air
In my head
I dream that I was with her
In the real world
She was never really there
(final chorus)
I see a giant yellow life raft
In the crisis of my dreams
No matter how hard that I pump it
The more pointless that it seems
Lyrics Copyright©2012 by Mark L. Berry
13,760 Feet–My Personal Hole in the Sky